Intelligent Energy Systems


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Free NEOmobile Apps

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Easy to use

Whether for a quick overview or a lot of detail, the information you need, in the format you want, is easy to find. NEOmobile user-friendly overview page has a current snapshot in the form of a map, plus a list of market events.

Fast real-time updates

You'll be the first to know with NEOmobile. All data is real time and refreshed within seconds as soon as data is available, so you'll know immediately what's going on in energy markets, wherever you are.

Designed for all devices

For iOS and Android mobile users, NEOmobile comes with accompanying app to allow you to view the information and receive the NEOmobile alerts anywhere you go.

Smart event reporting

NEOmobile doesn't just report market activity, it helps you interpret it. With NEOmobile smart reporting, each event type is colour-coded and linked to a report to get more detail.

Hosted in the cloud

NEOmobile is hosted in the cloud for high reliability to ensure maximum uptime. Also, it means you can get started using it in minutes.

Comprehensive reports

NEOmobile has a comprehensive set of reports for you to quickly browse and access the market. We have reports for NEM, STTM, VicGas and other markets.

Alert notifications

For those who need to be ahead of the game, then can set NEOmobile to alert them when a particular event is occurring, either via Email or mobile app notification.

Search any constraint

NEOmobile also has efficient constraint or constraint sets searches with plain English descriptions with all different versions. Selecting a constraint set will display all the constraints within it.

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Some of our clients

AEMO AGL Alinta Energy Ark Energy ATMOS Energy Attunga Capital AusNet Services AUS Energy Council Axpo Solutions Banpu Energy Baringa BGC BHP Bold Trading Clean Energy Regulator CleanCo Queensland covau CQ Energy csenergy Danske Commodities Delta Dept of Industry, Science, Energy & Resources Dept of Planning and Environment Discover Energy Energy Edge EDL Ekistica Enel Geen Power Enel energetics Enerven Epoch Engie firmus gfi Goldwind Habitat Hanwha (NECTR) Hartree Partners Hydrotas Innogy Intercast and Forge Intergen Jarden Aus KPMG Liquid Capital Macquarie Bank Marex MFT Energy Michell Wool Palisade Powow Power Ratch rmhedge RWE Shell Energy Snowy Hydro squadron Stanwell UPC Renewables Transmission Viotas Vivienne Court Trading Windlab Zen Energy